April Wrapup
April was quite the month! I knew going into this year that 2022 was going to be big, but I had noooooo idea just how big. Where to even begin? We began the year strong by offering memberships for the first time, and I’m pleased to announce that we are over 100 paid members. That gave us the money needed to develop a budget, acquire some critical professional memberships for the CRC as an organization, and much needed liability insurance. Insurance means activities, and we are off to a banging start. While we did postpone our April Fools History float, our Moonlight float was a blast. The rain stayed away while we were on the water, and we got a break in the clouds for a great view of the moon as we packed up.
Then the Earth Day cleanup…. Let me just say, “WOW!”
80 volunteers, 3 and a half hours, 1.46 tons of trash and 1.97 tons of tires. That is so close to 3.5 tons of trash that ain’t nobody going to sweat the difference. I frequently get thanked for what I do, but let me tell you the truth… The legitimacy of the CRC is the community. That means you, right there, reading this. You are part of the solution, and I am inspired.